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Making Visible the Invisible

A regard for the beauty of the smallest elements of life is a key characteristic of my work.

Was mich im Innersten zusammenhält…I 2020

graphite, coloured pencil on paper, 95 x 120 cm

Was mich im Innersten zusammenhält

Kartoffeltierchen I (2023) represents a spontaneous, tension-filled prelude to the eponymous series of large-scale, biomorphic drawings.

Kartoffeltierchen I


graphite, coloured pencil on paper,

42 x 29,7 cm

Crossing Over

Crossing Over V


graphite, coloured pencil on paper, 26 x 42 cm

"Crossing Over" (2024) is a spontaneous synthesis of the various drawing techniques Denise Schellmann has deployed in the last five years of her

A kaleidoscope of the invisible.


At its centre is a condensation from the Black Hole series, a typical formal motif from the artist’s time
collaborating with CERN (2016–2019). The title Crossing Over is borrowed from genetics and refers to a process in which the exchange of
chromosome parts creates something entirely new.

Und Ignaz sagte

The intuitive drawing "Und Ignaz sagte:" (2024) regales with colour and joy against the black background of the Semmelweis reflex: the initial reflexive
rejection of all that, in its newness, does not conform with prevailing norms and convictions

Und Ignaz sagte:


graphite, coloured pencil on paper,

62,8 x 100 cm

Who am I to tell you...?

"Who Am I to Tell You...? VI" (2020) is the final work in the series.

It concludes the fluid interplay of conflicting forms in a reduced, colour-harmonised

Who am I to tell you? VI


graphite, coloured pencil on paper, 70 x 100 cm

Colours & Lines III + IV

„Colours and Lines“: Studies on colours and shapes.

Conceived as diptychs, they visualise the dialectic between connection and dissolution.

Iconic, spontaneous forms visualise the colours of life its very self. It is only in the cohesive whole that stability and solidity emerge from the order of
cell-like, biomorphic forms. Harmony in colours and surfaces, surprising in their outcomes and not plannable, like life – microscopic life inclusive –

Colours & Lines | Studies III + IV


graphite, coloured pencil on paper, 100 x 61,8 cm

Colours & Lines V + VI

A fragile togetherness. Black fault lines that condense in the dissolution inscribed into life from its very beginnings. They grow into tissue-like
structures that separate and overwrite what once was orderly. Uncoordinated, boundless. In the disintegration of the formal, colourful harmony,
these fabrics gain their autonomous identity. Newness emerges, integrating the old.

Colours & Lines | Studies V + VI


graphite, coloured pencil on paper, 100 x 61,8 cm

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