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Welcome to my brand new website! For the first time I present my short film online!

film poster
Official film poster "The Arscientic Andism - my romantic manifesto", shortfilm, 17 min, 2020

It gives me great pleasure to present my short film “The Arscientic Andism - my romantic manifesto” online for the first time.

My identity-creating dialogue with myself.

Video performance and written manifesto on working in the space-in-between as a scientist and artist.

The film was shown at international festivals between 2020 and 2023 and received several awards.

Enjoy watching!

"The Arscientic Andism - my romantic manifesto", short film, 17min, 2020

You are welcome to stay tuned!

I will report here at regular intervals about exhibitions, events and my working processes.

Sincerely from my studio,

Denise Schellmann

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